Økonom Peter Schiff advarer om, at den amerikanske dollar vil styrte - siger "Vi går til standard"

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. dollar will crash. Noting that the U.S. er “in a much bigger fiscal mess than Great Britain,” with a much bigger debt problem, Schiff stressed: “Can we possibly repay this debt? Selvfølgelig…

UK regulator advarer, at Crypto Exchange FTX leverer tjenester uden autorisation

Britains top financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has issued a warning about cryptocurrency exchange FTX operating in the U.K. without authorization. “Almost all firms and individuals offering, promoting or selling financial services or products in the U.K. have to

IMF Bailout kan være i Storbritanniens fremtid, Siger strateg

Mizuho Securitieshead of global macro strategies has warned that an IMF bailout may be in the U.K.s future. i øvrigt, a former chancellor of the exchequer cautioned that Britain is entering a long and severe recession, emphasizing that it’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “the worst